niedziela, 7 października 2018

Ville Valo style part. 2

To kolejny tydzień bez newsów dotyczących VV&A,  Panowie prawdopodobnie doszlifowują płytę, która ma się ukazać na początku przyszłego roku, także przedstawiam kolejną część przeglądu szafy VV

1. Koszulka z Edgarem Allanem Poe. Jedna z wielu, ale znalazłam sklepy oferujące ten konkretny model

są to sklepy z US, więc wliczając koszty wysyłki końcowa cena będzie kosmiczna, ale jeśli koniecznie chcecie mieć dobrej jakości koszulkę z Edgarem to polecam nasz polski sklep online

2. Koszulka z napisem Sacrificed for me, będąca oczywiście parodią loga Starbucksa. Autor twierdzi, że została zaprojektowana po to, aby zachęcać innych do konwersacji o Jezusie

3. koszulka zespołu Witchsorrow - motyw z grafiką znajdującą się na kasecie De Mysteriis Doom Sabbathas (znajdują się na niej cztery utwory, wydana w 2013 roku w zaledwie 150 kopiach)

4. Motyw z filmu 30 Days of Night z 2007 roku

5. koszulka zespołu Fields Of The Nephilim

6. Koszulka marki FaFa Clothing. Amerykańska firma, sprzedawali swoje ubrania głównie na, jednak aktualnie ani ich oficjalna strona ani sklep nie oferują nic na sprzedaż

7. Koszulki z zespołem Siouxsie and the Banshees - najczęściej noszone w latach 2005-2006, starter pack dla fanów post punka, 80s i new wave

6. Koszulka zespołu W.A.S.P .z napisem I FUCK LIKE A BEAST z tyłu

Tyle na dziś, pozdrawiam!

niedziela, 30 września 2018

Ville Valo style part. 1

Od tygodnia nie mamy żadnych nowych wieści od VV&A, więc idąc za przykładem znanego włoskiego fanpage stworzyłam mały przegląd koszulek które nosił Ville.
Mam tego więcej, więc pewnie będzie część druga :)

Enjoy :P

1. W 2013 roku (i później też) królowały koszulki marki BlackCraft
wszystkie modele można kupić na stronie:

polskie sklepy online sprzedające ubrania BlackCraft

2. koszulka Beastmilk - zespołu rockowego z Finlandii

3. chyba nie trzeba przedstawiać: Tony Iommi - gitarzysta zespołu Black Sabbath

4. Pocięta koszulka fińskiego zespołu Hanoi Rocks marki FAUST

znalazłam informację, że ten model był sprzedawany wyłącznie z EPką People Like Me / In My Darkest Moment i został wyprzedany w dniu wydania płyty (23 października 2002)

5. Koszulka  Hedwig and the Angry Inch

Hedwig and the Angry Inch (PL: Cal do szczęścia) – amerykański film obyczajowy w reżyserii Johna Camerona Mitchella z 2001 r. zrealizowany na podstawie jego sztuki teatralnej pod tym samym tytułem.

6. Bluza Evolution - z rysunkiem czaszki autorstwa Jana Wandelaara
dostępna tutaj:

7.  koszulka Depeche Mode - motyw Behind The Wheel
niestety nie znalazłam identycznej ;<

Tyle na dziś pozdrawiam :)

please put credit if you're taking materials from this post, I'll be grateful

piątek, 21 września 2018

Nowy singiel: Orpolapsi kiurun - już jest!

Krótkie podsumowanie tego, co wydarzyło się w ciągu ostatnich kilkunastu godzin

Singiel Orpolapsi kiurun już jest dostępny do odsłuchania na youtube:

Dzisiaj rano na fińskim portalu ukazał się TEN ARTYKUŁ , po fińsku oczywiście - jednak jeśli użyjecie opcji przetłumaczenia na polski w Google Chrome to nie powinno być większych problemów ze zrozumieniem treści. Jeszcze lepszym pomysłem jest przekopiowanie sobie do translatora i przetłumaczenie na angielski.

Projekt Ville Valo & Agents ma potrwać do końca przyszłego lata. Tak jak było już zapowiedziane: będzie trasa koncertowa obejmująca występy w klubach i przyszłorocznych, letnich festiwalach muzycznych. Później Ville wróci do swoich kompozycji i jak wyznał, coś tam się już "klei".

Ukazały się też nowe zdjęcia promocyjne, którymi macie już pewnie zasypane tablice na wszystkich portalach społecznościowych :D

Zdjęcia zostały zrobione w studiu nagraniowym Pulliainena w Pitäjänmäki (dzielnica Helsinek)
Fotograf: Sami Kero

czwartek, 6 września 2018

Nowy projekt: Ville Valo & Agents & Rauli ”Badding” Somerjoki

Ville Valo & Agents & Rauli ”Badding” Somerjoki

cała historia jest już Wam pewnie znana - zapraszam zatem do śledzenia nowości związanych z tym projektem

Rauli Somerjoki /pseudonim 'Badding'/
autor tekstów piosenek, fiński piosenkarz - to on napisał materiał na nadchodzący album - jego taśmy demo zostały odnalezione po latach i VV&A postanowili dokończyć dzieła

Jego płyty wydawała min. wytwórnia Love Records - która, jak donosi wikipedia, zbankrutowała w 1979 roku i  została wskrzeszona wraz z wydaniem singla "Olet mun kaikuluotain" w 2016.

Premiera pierwszego singla:

@scratchnbake: "Mark your calendars. Something epicness is bout to hit us 21st of September!"

Cały album ukaże się na początku przyszłego roku, zostanie także ogłoszona trasa koncertowa

czwartek, 31 maja 2018

old Interview with Bam Margera

HOOF: Is it hard doing Jackass and being a professional skateboarder at once?

BAM: Oh definitely. Doing skits with Bran and Ryan Dunn was supposed to be in my spare time and skating was all the time. But I see things slowly becoming the opposite. There's times I fly to California just for Jackass or even a movie script.

And no skating?

No man, no time for it, I have all these appointments all day for these random deals. The business side of shit sucks but it needs to be done. If you don't pay attention you could get SWANKED!

So you're not going to pull some Jason Lee type shit are you?

No man, chill, I love skating. I had a boil on my ass from being dirty and it hurt to skate so I made excuses. I'm going to Spain tomorrow to skate, fuckboy. I'm filming for the Adio video. I go to Spain, Miami then I meet Ryan and Bran in LA to see CKY perform.

So you seem pretty busy.

Awww, fuck dude, I don't even want to get into it. It's never been so hectic... I know what I'm going to be doing in September for fuck's sake, a year ago I didn't know what I was going to do tonight! I figured it out, for the next six months I'm going to be in West Chester, PA [Bam's hometown] for less than a month. The money will be nice when I get back but I just bought a new house for me, Jess, April and Phil.

Well what happens to the old house? That house has been in pretty much every skate video and now MTV. Are you just going to sell it to a goddamn stranger?

I think Ryan Dunn and Mark Hanna are going to rent it, but they need one more person. Are you in, Hoof?

Damn, I need a place too.

Then quit being a bitch about it. It'll be perfect. I can go to my old house and chill with Plugs, Hanna and the fucking Knife. It's more than perfect.

How far is the new house to the old house?

Not far at all. It's four minutes in the S4 and six in the A4. It's in Glen Mills in the woods, and it's walking distance to Raab Himself's house.

So what are some upcoming events after this whole Spain, Miami, LA thing?

Well, let's see... I did a few more auditions so if I get any of those then I'll be doing that. Otherwise I'll be going to Tampa Pro, Australia in April and the Tony Hawk tour in May. And somewhere in between all that I'll find a way to fly to Europe at least twice to see HIM perform. Before you ask, HIM is a band from Finland, the name is an abbreviation of His Infernal Majesty, they're the greatest band on earth and they only play in Europe.

What do they sound like?

See, at first some of the songs sounded a bit 80's glam rock so I wasn't sure. I told my girlfriend that there's a certain song that sounds like Depeche Mode with a bit of Bon Jovi mixed in. Then I read an interview of the singer, Ville Valo, and he was describing that same song and said "it's like Depeche Mode meets Bon Jovi" and I was like what the fuck, that's exactly what I said. Then I realized that they are the greatest shit on earth. I've been listening to Razorblade Romance every day for a year and I like it better every time. They have 2 CDs out right now but for some reason I have a CD wallet that fits 24 CDs and 22 of them are HIM and the other 2 are CKY. It's all like shit you can't get, like HIM live in Berlin, Prague, London, blah blah blah. I love it though, I listen to that shit all day. Fuck it, I'm going to play it right now for this shitbag interview.

Don't you have 2 of the same tattoos as him [Ville Valo]?

Yeah, I have an upside down heart on my wrist because it's small and I never got a tattoo before. I was in Maryland at a demo for Element and this guy is talking about how he has a tattoo joint and he'll give me free shit, so I got it. But what I really wanted was a heartagram above myÉ well, above me belly button, so I got it the same day, and my girlfriend got it on her back.

Well what happens if you meet him and he sees them?

Where the fuck have you been? You're one of my best friends and you don't even know shit. I've met him loads of times, I've talked to him about it. He doesn't give a fuck, he thinks it's awesome that someone likes his music that much. My girlfriend said sorry for stealing your tattoos but I would have gotten it first but you beat me to the punch or something along those lines. He said it's not about stealing, it's about sharing. So he's mellow.

Well damn, big time boy, chillin with your favorite band. Who's paying for all these plane tickets?

Well, it's usually Element, MTV or Adio and now I have this credit card that adds on miles to whatever I buy. It's great, thanks to Tony Hawk for that one, he told me it was a must to get the mileage plus credit card.

So are you going to all these random Hollywood parties now?

Well I mean I've been to them but I wouldn't say I'm a fucking local or anything. One time I went to one in New York with Knoxville and that singer named Pink was there and she was freaking out saying we always skated together at Cheapskates back in the day and that her real name is Alicia and she's moving to Santa Monica and building a half pipe. Then she gave me her number, so I'm going to call it soon to see if she gave me the right number, and if she actually wants to skate.

Damn, that's odd... I didn't know Pink was from Philly.

Neither did I.

So are you getting bombarded with phone calls and e-mails?

God damn, it's getting ridiculous, I don't even answer the phone anymore. People find my e-mail address, write to me then call me a dick because I'm not writing back and meanwhile I'm trying to answer 50 letters and I suck at typing so it's frustrating. It's like they think I'm not doing anything on my end, meanwhile all I hear is bling, bling, bling of IM's of people I don't know. One Sunday I took 7 hours out of the day to write some people back through regular mail. I was going to Finland or some shit the next day so I wrote as many letters as I could saying sorry for the short note but I'm going away blah blah, then I threw in some pictures and stickers as well and some fucking cunt wrote back pissed cause I didnŐt write her a legit note and I'm a money hungry prick and so on. I was bummed, man. I should tell that bitch to write to Eminem and wait for a fucking response.

So when you're in West Chester, do you run into like people you went to school with and they're all trying to be your friend now?

Oh yeah, of course, it's getting a little ridiculous actually. Dudes who never even talked to me in school are now seeing me at random clubs or whatever and they're like "Yeah dude! Remember me? Yo! Get me on Jackass, I'll do crazy shit!" and it's just like fuck you man, seriously! Sorry your glory days are over and you're not a top shit basketball fuck anymore and you hang out at a bar all day. Same with teachers though, too. They talk all kinds of shit as well.

What do the teachers say?

Well, there's 2 teachers that I want to diss: Mr Pyle and Mr Nutting of east High School. Mr Pyle told me skateboarding was a fad, and it's going to die down in 2 years and that you can't become anything from it. Okay, Mr Pyle is eating his words right now, and Mr Nutting said the same thing in a different way. I wish I could let them know that quitting school was the best move I ever made... if I would have stayed I would be 2 years behind with all the work I've done so far. No one gives a shit about a high school diploma, and if Mr Pyle and Mr Nutting combined their salaries and times that by 5, it still wouldn't equal what I make so fuck you both.

Is there any teachers you liked in high school?

There was a few. Mr Bertrando was cool cause he never had a negative attitude like those others. All they want you to do is go to college. It's so boring. Everyone goes to college and gets an A. Big deal.

I know, grandparents get so amped on telling people all that!

Yeah, yeah "My granddaughter goes to college and gets A's." Who cares lady. My dad let me do whatever I want and skating came before school. When your parents don't let you do anything and always ground you, it's obvious that when you go off to college you're going to drink and do drugs til the fuckin sun comes up because that's your first taste of freedom, and I had freedom from the beginning, so I have no reasons to do drugs and be bitter and say my parents are dicks, that's all I ever heard. It's bullshit, Hoof! Parents need to open their eyes every once in awhile for fuck's sake!

Damn, you had to get that all out, huh? Feel better?

Yeah, I do actually. This interview is finished and I'm ending it with this: On August 19th, 2001 I'm throwing a big party in Philadelphia and everyone's invited. If you want to know more about it check out the schedule page on Now fuck off, Hoof!

środa, 30 maja 2018

Interview with Seppo Vesterinen 31.12.04

Interview with Seppo Vesterinen 31.12.04

We caught up with him after the pressconference of the band on 31.12.2004 at the Scandic Hotel in Helsinki. Seppo was really nice and took a lot of time for our questions.

1. Was it always your dream to be a band manager, or how did you become one?
Seppo: “Oh, it all happend by accident only.”

2. But you like your job?
Seppo: “Yeah, absolutley. But I had a break, I wasn´t doing it always. It´s good to have a break now and then and so something completly different.”

3. What have you done during your break?
Seppo: “I was more or less producing theatre, musicals and stuff.”

4. But isn´t that really different?
Seppo: “Well, a bit. Less travelling.”

5. Don´t you like travelling?
Seppo: “Oh I like it, but sometimes it´s too hard, you know, when you are weeks and weeks on the road.”

6. You have been in America lately. What are the differences between touring in America and in Europe?
Seppo: “There is not really big difference at all. It´s the same set up every night. You have the stage, you have the backline, you have technicans, you have the bus, you have the hotels. Distances are very longer in America. But otherwise I don´t see any differences at all. Touring is the same wherever you go. Different people, maybe different characters and attitudes, you know all that. But basically the technical aspect is exactly the same.”

7. You also do another band, The Rasmus. How comes?
Seppo: “Well, that´s accidental again. They were supporting HIM at a few scandinavian dates, and they had a new album out. Their manager they used to work with went to work with Universal Records, so he couldn´t do it any longer. So they just ended up with me more or less.”

8. But both bands are touring at the same time sometimes. How do you manage that?
Seppo: “Normally I´m touring with HIM, so we have a Tourmanager for “The Rasmus”. But sometimes I go with them as well for some shows, like I do at the end of january when I go to Japan for four shows with them.”

9. Who do you prefer to go on tour with?
Seppo: “Well, HIM is a tradition. We have a longer history. But we have a tourmanager for HIM now as well, an american guy.”

10. Further HIM plans?
Seppo: “We have two dates in America, San Francisco and Los Angeles, which where postponed due Villes vocal problems. So we do these at end of February, and start recording at 1st of March for 2 month in a very nice mansion in L.A. in a area called Silver Lake. It´s a big mansion, so everybody can live there and they built the studio in there. And then Mix in May in New York, so touring is all open except Rock am Ring and Rock im Park which are confirmed.”

11. No more festivals?
Seppo: “We don´t know yet.”

12. Can we expect an european tour?
Seppo: “Might be 2006 when the album is out. Because we have a new record label, we have to go to a lot more places, as releasing in Japan, Australia, South America, all over the world. It takes much more time to go everywhere. But a tour in Germany in 2006 might be realistic.”

13. Since the New York gig the German press says Ville has big alcohol problems and that the vocal problems where just a lie.
Seppo: “No, NY was just like one day alcohol problem. And then the vocal problem, you know, was something called laringitis and we had a doctor there. Ville could barely speak, impossible to sing. But we did the last L.A. show, even if he wasn´t right yet. but it was working anyway.”

Thanks for the interview
Seppo: “You´re welcome.”


Migè`s Exclusive Interview of HIMmarock

1) How does it make you feel to have fans in morocco ?Have you ever thought that you have hundred of fans all over our country and also in Algeria?
That's very nice indeed. We're big fans of North African culture and music so it's good to hear that stuff we make doesn't sound like crap to you over there.

2) In "Synnin Viemaa", it seems that there are pictures of Lily and Mige wearing typically Moroccan dressings.
Did they ever come here? What are their impressions about our country?
Oh yes, yes! We came there few years back and spend something like 3 weeks in Casablanca and Essaouira (spank me if I spelled that wrong:).It was most wonderful, especially Essaouira. stayed in Riad Al Madina hotel, which is easily the best in the world. We've been to pretty many you see. And we got maybe a bit carried away with wardrobe, but because we're a bit paranoid due to long periods of hashish smoking, we though it would be good to blend to local crowd. Some parts of Casablanca were a bit ruthless to us, so to say. But, since we are not familiar with the robes, I think lily accidentally bought female version first. At least it broke tension though! Later on we gave it as a present to our manager, Seppo. Please don't ask me why! :) I'm also water pipe addict, but was surprised that you didn't have water pipe cafes there, even though you could get pipes and tobacco everywhere. So we ended up buying a heavyweight pipe, and smoked that.

3) What about the other members? Did they have the opportunity of coming here?
I think none of them has been there, apart from me and Linde .Our lighting designer Ike was there with us though. He's one of the band basically and more popular in many places than me for example.

4) What does the Band know of north-African music?
Oh, we know more than regular white trash, but not too much. It's pretty hard to get that stuff from Finland. I think only place in northern or central Europe to get proper selection is Paris, or maybe London. We get occasional c-cassettes with really bad quality. Me and Linde are big fans of Omar Faruk Tekbilek (i think he's Egyptian), and since he's quite popular it's easy to get his CD from internet. "Beyond the sky and crescent moon" are actually my all time favourite albums. I have one wonderful tape from Morocco at my country house. It's only music I ever listen there, and each side lasts only 7 minutes or so! It's written all in Arabian, so unfortunately I have no idea what it says, or who's playing there. It's traditional stuff with acoustic instruments and singing, and some talking so maybe it's religious. Damn good EP, what ever it is. Linde also puts his daughter to sleep with one record with more African influence...Saha Koyo or something. I lost the cover and don't bother to call him. And for my own glory I have to mention that I played this Moroccan pipe on our "love metal"-album. It's in the song "pandemonium", the C-part. Don't know the name of the flute but it's similar of the one the snake charmers use in India. Couldn't play it quite in tune to be honest so we fixed it with pro tools auto-tune, but still!!!!

5) During the last years, there are more and more metal and rock bands created in Arabian countries. What do you think of it? (For more
That's interesting. I've only heard traditional stuff, so it would be nice to catch some rocking music too. Went to check Marock-site actually, but couldn't listen to anything. Two bands were pretty interesting, Al Jahilia, for one. Pretty ruthless lyrics though, anti-American and all. Not that I'm a fan of George W, but still…not a fan of good old jihad either. Interesting band with strong image. I would go for those looks, but that would be kinda silly for a Finnish person. Another one which I would like to hear was "naked Monkey", but the site was pretty much out of order. Would be interesting to swap some CD's and t-shirts.

6) We had the opportunity of listening to one of Daniel Lioneye's songs ("We gonna Rocking tonight") and we had the surprise of finding Coran in it. What made you use it?
Oh that was strange! There was a supernatural presence in the studio, and it was quite scary…didn't know it was Coran until now. But it sounds good and hopefully it's not offensive to anybody of Islamic faith. I consider it to be truly spiritual piece of music, and definitely a tribute to Coran!

7) Will you ever come here as a rock band so that we could see you all on stage?
I'd love to!! No plans for future so far, so can't really say when or how

8) What about your next album? When will it be released? Will it be different from Love Metal?
Same as previous. We have some vague ideas which should be sorted out. Well, it should be out in 2005, or I have to get a side job! And sure it will be different to Love Metal. Probably a lot worse!

9) What difference do you feel between playing in north-America and in Europe?
Donuts are DEFINATELY better in America. But otherwise it's pretty much the same, and since my doctor says I shouldn't eat donuts, I guess in my case it doesn't make any difference at all .It's interesting to go to new places and countries to play but whether it's US or Kathmandu doesn't really matter. We felt welcome there and that's nice.

10) Thanks a lot for the interview, any comment for your Moroccan fans?
There's already enough messages, just open the TV. But maybe I could say that you live in a very beautiful country, so enjoy it!


poniedziałek, 28 maja 2018

Wywiad dla Vivy przed koncertem w Stodole 14.11.2000


screeny ze strony

sobota, 26 maja 2018

Daniel Lioneye - THE Interview

Daniel Lioneye - THE Interview

Linde, who uses the name Lily Lazer in HIM is now Daniel Lioneye. The guitarist sits at the Finnvox studio where HIM is recording their new album. He says he hasn't been drunk for 2 months so he doesen't exactly have a "Danny feeling".

The people who play with Daniel Lioneye are drummer Ville Valo and bass player Mige Amour, so he didn't have to search for a band from further than HIM. Hiili Hiilesmaa (producer of The King of Rock 'n Roll) will also appear at the gigs of Daniel Lioneye, he'll make the motorcycle noises etc. Daniel Lioneye isn't just a one album project because the trio (and Hiilli) have been together for a couple of years already.

- When we went into the studio we had 3 songs ready. The rest was born there, Daniel (or Linde) says. - I haven't really thought about how people are goin to like the album because it wasn't originally even meant to be published. It was just published as kind of a joke, the ones who like it like it…. On our gigs we'll probably play a few covers with those songs. For example John Lee Hooker's One Bourbon, One Scotch, One Beer. Daniel Lioneye likes to be drunk and wants to sing drinking related songs. So I should probably start drinking again even though during the time I haven't been drinking I've discovered a whole new world.

- Daniel Lioneye's gigs will be very different from HIM's, Ville Valo promises. - HIM has gotten so serious in a way andd there's many who are serious about it and have a lot of pressure on them. There's no pressure with this Danny thing. You can go back to the garage band times. This is like writing stress songs. When we were recording the songs all the lyrics just appeared out of nowhere. We're totally free from all the money business. We are renting Ilkka Lipsanen's bus for the gigs. We'll be free of all the shit that we get from HIM related things.

Daniel admits that they intended to "do things over" but surprisingly they made music in the studio as well. - Well ok, Steve Vai's been my big idol since I was little, even though I don't try to play with the same style as him, Daniel says. - But other than that I don't listen to a lot of guitar players, I like Iggy Pop, Elvis, and stuff like that more.


Daniel Lioneye is sex, drugs and cadillacs. Don't get enough of those things in HIM?

- Well yes I guess um… I don't know, Daniel says. - Maybe some people can take this seriously but Daniel Lioneye really isn't something serious. In this you don't really have to think about anything, just play and have fun.

Ville Valo points out that Daniel Lioneye's back-up band's name is The Joint Rollers, and he plays in it under the name Bil (yes with only one l) with Mige. And now The Joint Rollers are making their own album. - It's going to be more straight forward than Danny's music, which contains material that's too sophisticated, Bil says. - Danny won't be allowed on The Joint Roller's gig's at all. We're looking for and other kind of guitar virtuoso. Danny has nothing to do with this thing. We have an idea that we'd go straight to the studio to write the songs and at 7 am we'd go to Finnvox to master it. Pictures would be taken of the studio session, we'd get them developed and publish the album right away. So we'd make the whole cd in less than 24 hrs.

It's not a surprise that Bil (or Ville Valo) plays the drums in Daniel Lioneye because he was a drummer before he started to sing. - I have the rythm in my blood Bil says. - HIM's Gas is a good drummer, but not nearly as good as me. He doesn't have the right touch. I'm trying to find the right thing, like a Bill Ward style. And of course we'll pay a lot of attention to how we look on stage. And I've been thinking that HIM can take over Europe and Danny can take care of North America, Australia, and Japan.

- And we give Danny a bottle of Jack Daniels on every gig, Bil promises. Mige and I have to behave well so Danny doesn't kick us out. This isn't exactly a good way to get lot's of money but at least we get bread and drinks. Suddenly Bil whispers that Daniel in really a sensitive guy whos job is to be a warning role model to teens. Danny does all the stupid stuff for them (so they won't have to).

- True, I am sensitive and all drugs are dangerous, Daniel admits. - There's a song called Dope Danny on The King of Rock 'n Roll that's going on an anti-drug cd. Of course drugs are not a positive thing. - But I have to get drunk on a Danny gig. And that's why we only do so few gigs. If I was Danny for three weeks in a row I'd most likely burn all the bridges behind me.

With many thanks to Sinderella_69
Source Heartagram Club Belgium

Interview 9.12.1998 Austria

"This was interviewed at the 9.12.1998 in Austria, thus it's long before the release of "Razorblade Romance". And as we all know they've changed somehow. Now here's an interview with Mr. Valo..
K and R are probably the interviewers, and V, yes that must be Ville. "

K: First... when did you decide to become a musician?
V: Em...with seven. ...So ...I saw some...some live bootleg video of Kiss ... and I saw Gene Simmons... blood and fire ... that's the reason.
K: And ... em ... was it an act of rebellion for you, did your parents have other plans (with you) -
V: (No, no) - actually not. They supported me and they still do it...they have always done this. ... I just wanted to have that blood and that fire... I started playing the bass but... it never happened. I thought that ... eventually I would ... it would come, you know, naturally, I mean that ... *laughs* I've been playing two and a half years bass and some some - big blood and fire will just come ... out of my mouth... it never happened, you know.
K: Em... I know that ..emm... you've played Jazz, Fusion, that stuff on bass and (all that) -
V: (Yeah) - I've been playing all kind of stuff from ... Jazz to Grindcore... and other...
K: And, ah, so why do you play Rock'n'Roll now? *laughs*
V: Mmmm ... more drugs and more girls and more, you know, party know...ah *K laughs* ... Jazz is- and classical is that ... boring ... usually, if you, for example, want to be a ... good classical musician... you don't know how to improvise, you don't know how to write your own song... it's very cold... and ... I like to- to create, to compose ... and all the other stuff it's - it ... comes along with the Rock'n'Roll business, you know, ... the visual style and and ... the production side and all that.

K: So basically you're roots are in Rock'n'Roll.

V: Mm... basically, yeah.

K: I remember ... some interview on TV, with Niels ...(em ) -

V: (Yeah.) -

K: You were talking about the 80's-Metal and all that stuff and so these are your roots ...or is it (more the Gothic stuff)

V: (Yeah) - yeah, because I grew up when I was ... ah... I'm 22 at the moment, so ... so ... em, I grew up with bands of the 80s...Kiss and Bon Jovi, and Mötley Crüe and WASP and (Twisted Sister) -

R: (Europe) *laughs*

V: No, oh no, no that was a bit too cheesy for me ...but... * K laugh * R: Malmsteen

V: And Judas Priest and Iron Maiden and all that stuff... so...

K: Mm... I've collected some interviews... in some of that stuff it&#146;s mentioned that you play the keyboard, guitar, drums, bass and that -

V: I'm very shitty at most of them.

K: You actually -

V: - But I do-do know how to play them. I... I've been playing... bass guitar for ... about 14 years ...and-mm ...15, actually, or 16 -15, and ...and... and drums for about ... 8 or 9 years, so I've been playing them a lot- and I- I used to play... bass and the drums for several bands.
...But this is the first time now that I'm singing... so ... the greatest adven- adventure for me...

K: But you actually found the band.

V: Mmm.

K: And... you've always played your own stuff?

V: Mmm actually... that is actually the first band I'm writing songs for. ... I've never done that... before.... I just... did what... someone ??? said (you know... I was a slave actually)

R: (What was) the reason for making HIM?

V: The reason was to ... create a good band, you know. ... Playing ... I had... no... 14 or 15 I - at the time - I had a ah ...OK, what's it - about 10 bands at the same time so I had -a- 10 rehearsals in a week and for 10 different ... bands, you know ... on Monday playing from 5 to 7, you know, Jazz, and from- from 9 to 11, you know ...Grindcore *R laughs* ... and it was like that, and I... and I felt bored with that, and I - and I ... wanted to do something seriously because you... spend ... spend a lot of time, you know, if you want to make ...ah... that rocks, that works...

K: But sometimes I ge-have the impression that...ahm... the rest of the band HIM is a little bit in the background, you know, (everything is focused on... the vocalist, on you, so...)

V: (Yeah, they've always... mm...) mm .. that's a very very usual that-that ...the one who writes the songs or... who is actually the mastermind behind them... behind the band; it's usually always the vocalist ... who's to .... sent forward...the other guys have always hated that stuff, you know. They don't like to give interviews or ... they don't like to be in photographs and all that stuff. And they don't want to write songs.

R: You had the program ready before you ... mm... searched for the musicians?

V: No, actually we ... a bit more democratic when we started the whole band, so, when we- when we- when we all wrote songs. And somehow, you know, they ... they got their girlfriends or ... or whatever...they got all that, and I'm still, you know... *phew*... still a bit, you know, angry ... about them, yeah....about the... the... for example our guitar player. He is very talented as a songwriter but...-

K: - Mikka Lindström... or...?

V: Uh?

K: Mikka Lindström?

V: Yeah, yeah. ..."Linde".... and.... ah... *V, K laugh*;... and, ah... and, ah... he likes to spend his time with his girlfriend, you know. And I always...find that very ....(unsatisfactory...)

R: (Our bass player) went away... three months ago ... because of a girl...

V: Yeah, I think the first thing you have to learn when you form a rock band or start playing in a rock band....

*short intermezzo: lighting cigarettes*

V: Yeah, the first rule is when you start a rock band, you know... that ...never... a woman should, you know, come between us... forget that. That takes a lot of energy away...and... to....

K: Your keyboarder dropped out just ...recently, that's what I heard... so...

V: Hm?

K: Antte dropped out of the band?

V: Yeah... eh... he was more into... into money... than rock... most of all. Yeah. We-we've had - em - several problems with him from the start but... we've found ...we ??? again

K: Is he just playing on the tour or... will he become a new band-member?

V: Uh...hopefully he will. He's a nice guy and young and... has lots of time to-to just concentrate on the music, and that's very important. ... hopefully ...

R: And if not you can take another guitarist *laughs*

V: Yeah, actually... we're going to take a second guitar player as well the near future... the new songs ...they... demand... you

K: Uh... how would you define underground or subculture?

V: Nah - not the hard questions starting yet.... &lt;clears throat&gt; I hate being intellectual, you know. That's not (a part of...Rock'n'Roll)

K: (Not intellectual...)

V: Intellectual...there is a nice-nice story about Gene Simmons that he always loved ... reading, you know, books ... love diary, architecture, all that... cultural stuff, you know, he loved to read big books about that but in the 70s he-he thought that-that it's not Rock'n'Roll to read that so he never re-read anything but comics in the- in the ... public...(he always)

R: (They made) - made comics some time ago...

V: Yeah, well, mm.. mm... subculture... I've never been that... (I hate...)

K: (Or underground...)

V: I hate ... I hate the w-word ...culture... And...em... for example in Finland, you know... that sounds too intellectual... in Finland, you know... there's not... there's never been a real underground scene in ...anything. Because ??? community, and all students, artists or whatever... they are so close to each other that... there... there is not... you know... a departure from other people, you know.

K: So there's no strict separation between (the Punk scene and whatever...)

V: (, no... no)... there's never been that. There's some Ha- Ha- Hardcore scene, you know... eh, eh, but... I don't know.... teenagers from outside of Helsinki or whatever but the real music-ah, you know, whether you play Jazz or Metal or whatever....I, you know, I- I join them all. Partly because I've been playing so many years so many. different kinds of musical styles in the...'s probably why I think... I cannot see a ...a separation strict... as it might be somewhere else. It's - it's very easy and it's very very good in that way not to have any scenes because then you don't have any competition - which is supporting, you know,... each other and that's the best way... to...

R: Here most of the bands are very keen on competition...

V: Uhmm, Uhmm...

K: Yeah... even some of our friends... we are the Metalheads and they are.. know...

V: Yeah... we don't have- we don't have- we never had that kind of thing... you know...uhm... for example Helsinki, where I live, it's...a small.. small town.. the whole city.. to... you have... to... we have only ... a couple of, for example, rock bars where people hang out ... and there is all in one which is the ... centre-point ... of everything and they have every-ah...small concert halls which play Black Metal or... and the other plays more and more mixed things and others... others are more Gothic and there's actually a DJ there... from time to time to play Gothic stuff.... and it's very very... you know... joined... that... you don't ...I don't-I've never had the actual feeling that there is separating... now those are my Hardcore... you know... friends, and they stick to their own thing, and there are the Black Metal ... guys, well... you know...

K: So I can't ask my next question - where would you place the band - in the Gothic scene or...

V: Well... you know I hate that categorizing stuff because... ah...of course you have to categorize, this is very natural... ah, ah... we are that kind of ... I- what I consider to be Rock'n'Roll with Pop elements and with Goth elements and with Metal el-elements ...and with... whatever elements, you' there's usually bands that-th-they b-becomes...a too heavy burden to carry for a group...for for bands like...ah Moonspell....ah... they started as a.. Black Metal Death Metal Doom Metal Gothic Metal whatever and... then they formed into that Type-O-Negative-stuff and the latest now is completely a Pop record but they still carry the burden of being... ah.. so fucking dark, you know...whatever...d-d-Dark Wave...ah... blablabla... it's-it's too hard...(especially...)

R: (The same with) Paradise Lost or (My Dying Bride...)

V: (Yeah yes ...for example... definitely)...Yeah exactly with the-with the Paradise Lost - they have changed so much, you know... it's-it's completely a Pop-band nowadays and...ah...they changed and they do have to carry that burden ... for the rest of their career, I'm quite sure ...ah mm... which that's the point why I don't want to consider my band to be example Gothic because in Finland you have a very small Gothic scene which is very strict in that- in that way, you know, when- when people think about a Gothic scene it's like all these...yeah... lots of powder and black lipstick... and-ah...and-ah... *R laughs, V clears throat&*usually they are categorizing this, you know, so strict and drastic... that-that if some-somebody....would-would.... say in the-in the public ...ah...that we are Gothic I think nobody would show up at our gig ...we were marked as strictly Gothic band. We use the term Love Metal.

K: That was my next question *laughs* how would you define that...well, I-I've read some stuff at ..ah... at your website and...ah...could you...ah.. be more musical version of the "Gone With The Wind"-poster or so..

V: *laughs* That's the film.... aaah... more specific, actually...ah... I said that earlier, you know... we make Rock'n'Roll with Pop and Rock and Metal elements, yeah... it's very hard mm... ah... it's easier for somebody outside... from the outside to describe the music because I cannot... I just wanted to- when I formed the band I just wanted to write music very...ah... very... ahmm... melodic melancholic and ah... still very hard-rocking... ah... AC/DC meets the... aaaaaahhh...

R: London Philharmonic Orchestra *R, K laugh*

V: Whatever, you know *laughs*

R: Annemarie Mutter *laughs*

K: Anne Sophie Mutter... ahmm...

V: I just use that term because...ahm...the...ah.. there's so big contrast between the... where is love and the Metal, you know... and stuck together it describes very well the....the-the... love mixed with ???

R: It's very untypical for Rock'n'Roll...that love....(style-stuff.).

K: (Yeah, yeah) that's my next question... you play around with the classical features of ... well...

R: In general... ah... Kiss &lt;sings&gt; Love hurts you baby... *laughs*

K: So...

V: Mm...but always much more sentimental, I have always considered myself to be an... emotional model of Gene Simmons, you know *laughs*

R: Always blood and tears mixed *R, K laugh*

V: Probably more in a-in know, symbolical way... ah...

K: well *clears throat* do you consciously play around with the classical Metal clichés like 666 and ... heartagram instead of pentagram...

V: Mmmm.... I like the heart so much, you *laughs*

K: Did you create it?

V: Yeah yeah... yeah, yeah I did, I did actually yeah ... .... it's a symbol, it doesn't mean ... anything

K: But you have to be aware of being confronted with, you know, being a satanistic band...

V: Yeah... but-but...mmm.... for example.... we have some problems, the biggest problem was definitely in summer - last summer there was one of the biggest Rock Festivals with Dimmu Borgir, a Black Metal band, Black Sabbath and we played there and ... other bands as well ... but... there was tha-that...some...threat from some Black Metal fans that they are going to burn a church on the-on that same day because it was the sixth -ah- d-day of June ... and-ah....*K laughs* and-ah.... three times 666 is 1998, so... laughs*here was some hassle with that and-ah and-ah... they blamed us... the church... we-we three, Black Sabbath, Dimmu Borgir and... us being the influence for their kids... and-ah and actually nothing happens... they were religious, you know, fanatics and they...before the show they came on th- on our stage somehow, you know, through the security and ....blessed the stage, you know.. with prayers or whatever... we laughed our asses off because of that *R laughs*

K: I can imagine that *V laughs*

V: But... that's how it's...been in Finland, you know...we had no problems here... and-ah...and that 666-thing is..ah... is coming... mm-more open, you know and-ah actually... we are not going to use that symbol the next album... I guess so idiotic fans won't tune into that, you know, thinking that...we really have something to do with that... satanism-stuff.. and I think it's completely childish ??? satanists ??? too many christians ???... we are wise enough to... to be out of that whole problem

R: Was it your idea to use such clichés for your marketing or something?

V: Ah... I don't know how to use that for the market...

R: Or if you only want ah... to make .. good songs..

V: point was definitely to provoke.... and ah... one-one was to have the album title ..."The Greatest Lovesongs Vol. 666", you know. It's the same thing as with the Love Metal, you know... to have contrasts... and, you know, to make it a little bit more interesting... and one reason was to have that Iron Maiden, you know, Rock'n'Roll bands like Monster Magnet, you know that band?

K: (Yeah I know...)

V: (You know that?) You know... that Rock'n'Roll, Motörhead, AC/DC... yeah.... and-ah...and-ah to have that-that... 777-666-contrast on the lyrics as well... it&#146;s defining the more pure and the- and the more innocent side of ...both loving feelings...and-and the more carnal and the more dark... you know... aspects of the whole same thing, that was the it has lots of different... you know.... reasons to be in there...

K: One good thing-

V: And it feels so fucking good to be able to six-six-six *R, K, V laugh*

K: One keyword marketing... ahmm...

R: Have you ever thought ...ah. making a song number 666 on your ... on your CD like-

K: (They did, they did)

V: (Actually we did ... actually we did)

K: There is one hidden track 66

V: The..??? the..yeah, the whole...the whole...length of the album is 66... minutes and 6 seconds...

K: You scared me to death with that track... I went to see what's wrong with my stereo..that song suddenly...*R laughs*

V: And because there are no vinyls anymore you cannot do those hidden, you know, messages... backwards.. or forwards, you know... we had to have some...

R: Like Queen did - smoking Marihuana is fun *laughs*

K: The whole backward masking thing is all bullshit *R laughs*I did a paper on that and ... you know... it's just rumour, no research, (nothing)

V: (Yeah it's true) actually... we've been looking for that as well, you know ... listening and all that and we were like ...where are the hidden messages there?

R: She worked half a year for a -a paper for the U-University and and the the conclusion was that it's all bullshit because there is a big fuzz about nothing *laughs*

K: Of course I had to express it in more academic terms...

V: Yeah *R, K, V laugh*

K: Ah... well.... keyword marketing... somehow I have the impression that... the whole PR-thing is like... you a the more sinister version of the Backstreet Boys and the girls screaming *imitates fan-shrieks* and ... I hope it's not goin-going to be like that... tonight... but ...ah... are you... can you identify with that ... there something... that disturbs you?

V: No actually ...ahm... ah... of course there are lots of things that disturb me in the way that we are presented....ah...but....I consider our music to be totally mainstream and-and I don't people out of that. It's all the same, you know, if there is year old girl... thinking that we are the heavy version of the Backstreet Boys and and really loves that record... it's all the same...than to...compared like ah... for...a 26-year-old, you know, Black Metal fan.. it's all the same it's all the same, you know... we are not sexistic in any way *R laughs*

K: So your audience is...mixed up.

V: It has been, yeah. It differs from place to place but...but...

K: Is it much different in Finland?

V: No actually ...actually... it's quite- quite the same ...and-ah... quite the ...similar things happened in- in for example in Germany.. in Berlin it was totally mixed up and there were lots of people... completely like the normal ...Pop-audience and ...for example in some other places there were completely only male and only the Heavy Metal...ah..crowd... and-a...and it's been different from place to place... in the same way as-as in Finland.

K: And how was it yesterday in Vienna?

V: Mmmm......mmmmm.... *K, R laugh&*

V *to E*: How was it yesterday? *laughs*

E: Good

K: (Okay) *laughs*

V: (More) ... more girls than on the German dates.

K: Ahm?

E: Yeah.

K: Oh... I'm surprised *R, K,V laugh*

K: Alright... ahmm.... who made the choice to... promote the video "Wicked Game"I know there is some other video out I think it's... ah...

V: "When Love And Death..." yeah.. it came out ...earlier because the record was released in Finland the year before... we released the video with the single...???

*computer affects recording - interruption for check*

V: Where were we?

K: Ahm... about Finland, "Wicked Game" and all that...

V: Ah... yes. So... we-we...the first EP was in 96 and "Wicked Game" was released as a single then, it worked out in Finland very well but but there was no ...not a need for a video so we only released that. And-ah... and then when we made the album that was released in 97...about... exactly a year ago, you know, then there was a ... you know, a demand for another video, and we didn't want to make "Wicked Game"for a second time so... we released that "When Love And Death Embrace" and it became actually a lot bigger hit...

*computer affects recording, interruption for check and battery change*

K: So ...the decision to... put the video on heavy rotation... was it the band's decision or...

V: Mm... no, it wasn't the band's decision but it was a very natural one... because of course it's the most commercial and it's very easy to get on rotation because it. . because it's a cover version ... for a lot of people it's been a successful one, you know, not raping the original but... rather... imitating it ...and-ah but... ah...the same thing like... what Marilyn Manson did with the..."Sweet Things Are Made Of This"... it's a much more quicker way.

K: So...for newcomer bands to become known to a bigger audience...

V: Mmm.

K: So...*clears throat* there... a problem with die-hard-fans like ... as soon as a band has commercial success it will lose the credib-credibility?

V: Things like that have happened in Finland but I don't care... because they are a bunch of idiots ???... thinking that-ah... that popularity makes music bad ...ridiculous, you know... no... no way.... They can listen to that, you know, vacuum cleaner sounding original Black Metal if they want for the rest of their life but ...actually I don't care. When you - when you ... lose some you-you win some at the same time....they are not that die-hard if they drop us.

K: Ehm... some question about the band-name and the bad lover-story... because... ah...I have collected some stuff and... ah... I found two different versions... one was more like that... well... if you're drinking too much... and then... okay... (and the other...)

V: (No that's some)- that's some interviewer's version... actually- I've never-

K: - and the other version was... the other version was that fall in love too easily and all that... so.. did you actually say that or is it (an interpretation)-

V: (I didn't say that) I've always... the only thing I've always said is that... I had so bad reputation with the ladies...that... and that actually doesnt even... that's not the truth about the name... not totally because-because there is not a real story it's just a name, you know ...????? ... it sounded cool at that time and had that Black Sabbath clang, you know, into it, and ... and very small stories which are not important was then but...there is nothing very... very serious or important behind that name... it's just a name and HIM does much much better the job and actually... actually it's much more fun because ... mmm... there was a porno magazine in the 70's or 60's called HIM in started then out... and there is that dresses for transvestites *R, K laugh* ... it's called HIM as well...*V laughs* it's kind of fun as well... and it's very easy to pronounce and... and one good thing about the short version is the doesn't... you know... it doesn't tell the the wide audience or the reader of a magazine - it doesn't tell - tell that... what kind of music we're playing. So we can do... in a 10 years I can do, you know, Tekkno albums under the same it's not that kind of a burden name, you know PARRADISE LOST...or....MOONSPELLL, *K laughs* you know that.. that...that's a very neutral name... very easy...

K: So this was just a matter of interpretation of different journalists (using the same story)

V: (Yeah) very shitty ones up with that that kind of stuff, you know *laughs* I've be-been talking lots of bullshit to ....journalists and-ah... when there's not a real interesting story behind that you have to make-make one up, you know. They never know the truth, you know... does does anybody know that... have I really been working in a porno shop or not...

K: No...

V: No that's the point... you can do whatever you really like. But that was exactly the truth...*E leaves the room* ..and that's the p-

K: Now that he's gone - is there any censorship...ah... from the management or promoter saying "don't say that please don't say that"...

V: No there's never been a thing like that. First, you know...our- our.. promoter in ... ah...Finland...she's of the best there...ahmmmaah.. who actually helped me a talk bullshit ... during interviews because...when I first started it was like, you know... just telling facts. And facts are usually very boring. And-a... you have to... you know...

K: Make up some (stuff)-

V: (Make up some) and... you know, just to improvise... because people are not interested how long we&#146;ve been together...but they are rather interested how long penises we've got. That&#146;s usually ... usually the point... that's the reason you have to make up all those paste stories - I'm not behind them all... but-ah... I don't have anything against it. Now the master of that thing is only ... Marilyn Manson. I hate his music but I like the image and I like his statements... he's talking completely bullshit all the time, you know. *E comes back* Some-some average American kids are taking that completely seriously and some are not, you know, I just consider it to be... great entertainment. And I think (that's the way it should be)

R: (I think) he is the only one who is able to... cover himself... *K laughs* 26 times in one hour...*V laughs*...and he.. and he is very popular... for a couple of kids...

*;E interrupts - there's another interview, we shall round it up*

K: Ah... do you think it's even work against the laws of the industry, like Pearl Jam tried so...

V: No, it's not. You have to go along with it, you know... and try to change it, you know... very small ...small things at a time, that's the only way out...and the industry is too ...big... no, I don't want to actually change anything because .... what's wrong with that, you know?

K: Aren't you afraid of being...used...

V: No

K: Or ending like... Jim Morrison...(that...ah..)

V: (Mmm) ... let's see what happens, you know. I don't have any problems with that either... it's... ah... it's just... the point is that I feel very lucky to be able to do what I want to do. That's very... rare for...people nowadays... It's not all about the music it's about the whole... forming and-ah...whatever...creating the cover artwork for CD's or ... being involved with videos...blablabla... it's such's-ah...big thing for me, you know... I'm not... I haven't been that bad way...yet. Yeah... I surely know that I have to....well, let's see what happens, you never know *laughs*

K: Ahm... do you think a web-site is very important for...promoting a band?

V: I don't know because I don't know much about it. I've only seen it twice so... I don't know the situation outside of Finland with the Internet... because in Finland it's the.... we are the quickest who adopt ... those modern technology things, I think -am- every-every....yeah... half of the population they have... you know...cellular telephones, and-ah and-ah... I think they have the most of the... most Internet-connections in the world, in Finland, so I actually I&#146;m not sure how many does have that stuff in ??? here...

K: Most people have...

V: Most people have - so it's getting big-bigger all the time... no I'm counting on Commodore 64... playing that brutal ???? stuff...because... that's me, that's completely retro and nostalgic, you know.

K: You don't check your web-site from time to time?

V: Mm...ah.. when I... when I visit my little brother... or.. basically he has an Internet connection and a ??? as well... I try to check that one up, yeah....but hopefully it will get the lot better, you know, I'm not satisfied with it, it's so... well...

K: Aren't you tempted to log in with a different name...and...

V: We've done that. We've done that all the (time).

K: Jesse?

V: Uh?

K: Jesse?

V: Actually...he's ah... I've been writing under the name of Jesse as well but he is my little brother....his name is Jesse...and-ah...there are some other names as well ... actually that we've been using and we've been given ...ah...m...the other guys... our bass player is one and our guitar player is one.. and we have all different names... and all different roles. Somebody....Jesse-Jesse hates HIM completely and there are a couple of...(yeah)

K: (I suspected) that Jesse is somebody of the band, actually....

V: Because it was the first day when when the whole website was open...I just logged in and motherfucked something completely shitty, you know ...*laughs*

K: Yeah... sometimes we *clears throat*... feel tempted to ... leave some messages or so..

V: *laughs* Yeah... probably you could do *laughs*... and our guitar player is a very very very big and fanatic fan of HIM.... that's his role, you know... and... I don't know... his name ... is probably... Penna or somewhat...and..ah...

*;some exchange on Finnish vocabulary K learned via HIM website*

K: Am...well... alright.... so last question... are you going to use... ah... signed dildos as your new merchandising product?

V: No, actually (because a band called)

K: *laughs* (That was a joke)

V: Actually a band called Pink Cream 69... they have done that

K: Ah... and I think...ah...what's the name ah... ah... something with "Sister"....had a dildo on the cover... actually...ah... *laughs* (that was a joke)

V: (No actually) the dildo thing that's completely a German thing ... in Finland they have never used ... that...porno stuff in the media. I have always just-ah... said a couple of times but... somehow the German people are much more into that porno-industry ... or what, Enrico? *laughs, K joins*

K: I've seen that on TV ... okay I had to laugh but... then it was a bit... hard to take, you know...

V: Mm-mm... that's true as well and-ah...and-ah.. I actually... I don't like the... fact that it's been a... that big... the dildo thing, you know... and ah... in the show, you know, because ... *clears throat* because we that's ...that was my ..m... job... selling of different intimate stuff to lots of-lots of people, you know... ah... I don't think that...well... ah... I do-I don't understand what's so fucking interesting about know... (if there was a)...

K: (But you ... you) could do that... selling condoms with the band logo on...

V: Type-O-Negative and Dimmu Borgir have used that...

K: Really?

V: Not-not on the condom but on the packages... Type O-they have know, the logo...yeah)

K: (I didn't know that)

V: And...I-I think it was only a promotional stuff... you know, some... band-photo and "Love You To Death"... on that *K laughs* and... Dimmu Borgir had-had...ah... with a... German Gothic Magazine "Sonic CD's" some...some deal with them... ah... it was "The Taste Of Sin" ... and it was black... the condom, and it had the artwork on it... of the latest EP they made... so... much Dimmu Borgir...we're actually not that-we are...not that straightforwardly sexual, we are much know... much more romantic that that.

K: know... but that Kamikaze-thing was kind was fun but...

V: (

K: (But) *clears throat* ...German humor... okay *K, V laugh*...alright

V: That was it?... thanx-

source: Heartagram Club Belgium

Interview with Ville Valo 28.01.02 in Helsinki / Finland

Interview with Ville Valo 28.01.02 in Helsinki / Finland

1.) Q: What do you like to do in your spare time?
V: What do I like to do in my spare time...mmh I like to sleep, unfortunately it's impossible because of all this promotion...this is torture...basically to bath and read good books and you know, ... high culture is my hobby....

2.) Q: Is an acoustic guitar part of your luggage when you travel?
V: Well, nowadays it is...or usually I just purchased for the German tour I just bought myself a really cool Gibson guitar, which is like the same sort of a model that Elvis Presley used to play. Yeah, I do! I have this sort of Johnny Cash fixation, so I do tend to carry around with me...and a laptop for internet porn.

3.) Q: Between the five with you in your band. Will you all choose different holiday locations?
V: Basically, I had my last holiday in `91...we had like two weeks off basically in Rome on tour, but yeah we do ...Gas is going to watch some hockeymatches in the United States of America, Linde and Migé just went to Nepal (Kathmandu) and I don't know where Burton goes. He is a mystery man, so don't have a clue.

4.) Q: Are you gonna have a holiday soon?
V: No! I have a mission to accomplish. To record a new album. So, I don't have any time to have any holidays. Unfortunately...this is my holiday.

5.) Q: You are nominated for the German Echo-Award in 2002. What do you think about getting an award in general?
V: Well, if you get an award which is presented to you by Iggy Pop then it is really cool. But otherwise I don't really care...but it is nice when the viewers sort of like ...they give their calls and it's a viewer's choice thing. That's cool. But when there is like a some celebraties like just picking one band or artist out of a million that's pretty sick to my opinion.

6.) Q: What about the German Echo-Award, which one is it?
V: which one is it...I don't have the clue about the Echos. It might be that we got one...but I have really really bad memory nowadays. I smoked to much hash when I was younger. You shouldn't be doing that. It's very, very bad for the shortterm memory. But ECHO, well that's the sort of like very critically acclaimed thing. Well, that's cool- you know- we get free flights to Germany, free booze and get hang around with a bunch of models and the record company is offering us cocaine- that's cool...

7.) Q: Where do you plan to be in five years time?
V: Five years then I'm gonna be if I am to maintain a status being a legend I have to die when I'm 27 so let's see what happens, but....30, ähm...hopefully fishing in Marocco. A couple of my friends are doing that. It supposed to be really good.

8.) Q: What motivates you?
V: Well, my motivation... it's just music. It's an obsession anyway just gotta do's a drug. It's a badthing- you know- basically I'm hooked.

9.) Q: The Music motivates you?
V: Yeah, basically yeah. A lot of things motivates me: Cars, Mc Donald's, ähm...what else...arts in general. Mc Donald's is art. Mc Donald's is also murder. Meat is murder. Remember that.

10) Q: Is the break the only opportunity to keep HIM alive?
V: Well, to keep us alive...we'll never know how long a band is going to be together. You know we are five different personalities. Gas is like the overbloated fat fellow who's trying to lose some weight now which is cool. But everybody is so different in the band so it's hard - you know- hard to keep the whole thing going on. Yeah, we write new songs and we are feeling very, very good about the next album which we gonna hopefully record in next autumn and release early next year.You know, shortterm plans. It's better that way, you know.

11) Q: Are there any songideas for the next album already and if so in what direction are you heading with HIM?
V: It is hard to say before you go into the studio...and there is a producer and - you know- different sort of equipment which we are using. It's always pretty weird, because you just turn one knob and it's going to be totally different. So you never know in advance, but hopefully it's going to be a bit rougher. That's what we are going to do with the album anyway. Basically I consider the first three albums to be sort of like a trilogy and now we have to start from the beginning again. You know, to start to like a sort of like create something new totally and not just to continue the boring chapters which are already written. So, hopefully it's going to be a bit more Stooges and you know...Or basically we check out the Billboard-Charts and you know what...whoever is top of the charts we usually try to rip off from them or copy them. It is much possible. So, hopefully it's not gonna be a Ricky Martin this year...

12.) Q: What qualities should be on the next HIM album if you compare it with the "Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights"?
V: What qualities? What qualities...well,...

13.)Q: Will it remind? Will it be a continuous process developed from the...?
V: No. That's basically what I just told you- you know- a sense that I consider that... We are doing albums... You know, basically "Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights" is a good album, but we can't continue in that sense, because in that way because it is pretty mainstream. We...of course we want to be part of mainstream . We want to have loads of money and loads of Echo-Awards , but we are no hookers, so -you know- just trying to do what feels best in the moment.

14.) Q: Did the album-tour-album-tour cycle harm your creativity personally?
V: Now, album, tour, album, tour...-cycle.Yeah, it does because we don't have any time, you know. That's basically what happened with "Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights" and that's one of the reasons I'm not 100 % satisfied with that. But it's a cool album anyway...but it's a different thing. Personally... artistically I like our first album the best, because we had loads of time to develop the music there, because that was the first thing we worked together for about five years before. So, you know cycle things around in your mind and try to, you know, be better every day. This is the reason for the break that we wanna really like to concentrate on the music. This is our fourth album and it's an important one.

15.) Q: How long is this break for?
V: I' m not sure actually. Our plan basically at the moment with this break is that...Migé and Linde they went to Nepal to have their holidays- you know- . Everybody is taking it easy, because everybody in the band was really frustrated after the tour, because we like continuously worked for about three years. Not having like a couple of days off every now and then, but really doing that tour-album-tour-album thing, so after "Razorblade Romance" so...what was the question...?

16.) Q: Did the stress in the past harm the band atmosphere?
V: The stress in them...well, we're never stressed out as a band, you know ...completely. There's people in the band who are continuosely feeling good. For example Gas. He is a happy personality. He is the one to keep us alive, you know, in many ways, because he's rather big . So if we would be stressed out because of starvation he would be a good sort of like a prey for us. He is a multitalented person in that sense...

17.) Q: What changes have you made in your personal life that you are the most proud of?
V: mmmhhh....ähmmm...Well, I haven't changed so much in the past couple of years. I don't know I haven't made any conscious- you know- changes . Well, maybe I'm trying to take it a bit more relaxed- you know- nowadays. Not working my ass of - you know- meeting my friends and playing pool and playing chess... I don't have to be write music all the time or stresssing me about that. So, that's basically one of the changes....probably.

18.) Q: What have you learned from the last HIM record?
V: That you should...the big lesson we learned making "Deep Shadows & Brilliant Highlights" was that we learned that we are not supposed to be hookers for the industry. And we are not supposed to be having a sort of family mentality with the record company people. There is a couple of personalities which we worked closely with ...who have been there from ...äh since the beginning ...then there was loads of like...too many cooks. Telling their own opinions. Opinions are like assholes. Everybody's got one except Noman (?!??!). That's why they are so big .

19.)Q: What would be the result if you decide the songwriting process for the next album right now?
V: If I had...??? I'm constantly - you know- constantly at the moment I'm working on new stuff, so ...there's a couple of songs I wrote last year, but most of it... I'm working on most of it now. I don't know- you know- it's gotta be a bit different. Lyrically & musically, but it's still gonna be the same. Those same three chords - you know- trying to rip off "Wicked Game" over and over again. You know, that's our mission.

20.) Q: How long is Ville Valo able to relax from songwriting?
V: I just lost a girlfriend and I bought myself a guitar which is like the substitute for the particular person. I basically sleep with the guitar ....and there is couple of holes in well,, basically it's impossible to take a break there. No, every... like a couple of hours everyday. So, basically- you know- I wake up start playing guitar, search for some funny sexsites from the internet and then I go and play some pool and drink a couple of beers and then I start all over again. That's what I do.

21.) Q: So is it that like for example breaking up with the girlfriend will that affect your music - the way you write songs?
V: Oh, it's hard to say. Everyday life affects the whole thing, you know. In everybodies' lifes, whatever they're doing of course it affects the mood and stuff like that. Now it's getting pretty dark here in Finland. Well, it's been dark for a while so probably it's going to be a very doomish and very gloomy and very gothic...the record which I'm going to do. I don't know, you know...let's see. But Migé and Linde they still don't want to wear any black clothes, so that's a problem for a gothic imagery. And Linde and Gas are too fat to be Goths. Overfat Vampyres...that's what I call them.

22.) Q: How would your best friend describe you?
V: All my best friends basically call me a cunt. That's probably the best way to describe it. I'm egocentrical...and alcoholic...and a very boring personality with no sense of humour at all.

23.) Q: And would you like to say something for all the fans?
V: Hello people...äh...ich liebe dich...tschüss!